Germaine Lascaux

  • In the garden of house Shady Rock of Marie Cuttoli, close friend and collector of Pablo Picasso's works. From left: Javier Vilató, Paloma Picasso, Germaine Lascaux, wife of Vilató, Françoise Gilot, Paulo Picasso, Marie Cuttoli, Pablo Picasso, Maya Picasso, Claude Picasso. Cap d’Antibes 1954. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • In the garden of house Shady Rock of Marie Cuttoli, close friend and collector of Pablo Picasso's works. From left: Javier Vilató, Paloma Picasso, Germaine Lascaux, wife of Vilató, Françoise Gilot, Paulo Picasso, Marie Cuttoli, Pablo Picasso, Maya Picasso, Claude Picasso. Cap d’Antibes 1954. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • In the garden of house Shady Rock of Marie Cuttoli, close friend and collector of Pablo Picasso's works. From left: Javier Vilató, Paloma Picasso, Germaine Lascaux, wife of Vilató, Françoise Gilot, Paulo Picasso, Marie Cuttoli, Pablo Picasso, Maya Picasso, Claude Picasso. Cap d’Antibes 1954. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • At Pablo Picasso's arrival on the village square where the corrida is to be held the band blares out some of his favourite Spanish melodies. From left: Javier Vilató, his wife Germaine Lascaux, Jean Cocteau, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, his wife Florette, photographer (behind Cocteau), Pablo Picasso, Jacqueline, Paloma Picasso and Claude Picasso. Vallauris 1955. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Pablo Picasso on the grandstand at the corrida surrounded by his family and friends. Lartigue and his wife Florette, Vilató and wife Germaine Lascaux, Jacqueline, Maya Picasso, Jean Cocteau, Francine Weisweiller and her daughter Carole, Dr. Jeanne Creff (acupuncturist of Pablo Picasso), with the guitar the son of the writer José Herrera-Petere. Vallauris 1955. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • On the grandstand of a bullfight put on in Pablo Picasso's honor. From left: Jacques-Henri Lartigue, photographer, his wife Florette, Javier Vilató and wife Germaine Lascaux, Jacqueline, Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau. Behind them Maya Picasso and Claude Picasso. Interview RTF: - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Luncheon at the dining and work table. Pablo Picasso, Jacqueline and Javier Vilató and his wife Germaine Lascaux. Jacqueline is wearing a dress with printed motifs of a Pablo Picasso work. La Californie, Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • In 1956, on the occasion of his 75th birthday on 25.10., Pablo Picasso invited some friends. From left: Hélène Parmelin, Edouard Pignon, Slavka Sapone, wife of Sapone, Elvira Gaspar, Anna Maria Gili Torra Amat, wife of Spanish publisher Gustavo Gili, Pablo Picasso, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Jacqueline, Spanish publisher Gustavo Gili, Germaine Lascaux, wife of Vilató, Javier Vilató, Aika Sapone, Michele Sapone. La Californie, Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • In 1956, on the occasion of his 75th birthday on 25.10., Pablo Picasso invited some friends. Slavka Sapone, wife of Michele Sapone and Germaine Lascaux, Javier Vilató's wife. La Californie, Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • In 1956, on the occasion of his 75th birthday on 25.10., Pablo Picasso invited some friends. One of the guests was his art dealer friend, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler. In the background Aika Sapone and her father Michele Sapone, Anna Maria Torra Amat, wife of Spanish publisher Gustavo Gili, Gustavo Gili, partly hidden Javier Vilató, Germaine Lascaux, wife of Vilató, unknown woman. La Californie, Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Diner at restaurant Chez Félix. On the occasion of Pablo Picasso's 75th birthday 25.10. Pablo Picasso, Hélène Parmelin, Michele Sapone, Germaine Lascaux, Javier Vilató's wife, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Gustavo Gili, Spanish publisher. Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Diner at restaurant Chez Félix. On the occasion of Pablo Picasso's 75th birthday 25 Oct. From left Edouard Pignon, Pablo Picasso, Hélène Parmelin, his tailor Michele Sapone and Germaine Lascaux, Javier Vilató's wife. Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Restaurant "Chez Félix". On the occasion of Picasso's 75th birthday. From left S. Sapone, wife of Michele Sapone, Picasso, Hélène Parmelin, Michele Sapone,  Germaine Lascaux (Xavier Vilató's wife). Cannes, 25.10.1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Restaurant "Chez Félix". On the occasion of Picasso's 75th birthday 25.10. S. Sapone, wife of Michele Sapone, Picasso, Hélène Parmelin, Michele Sapone, Germaine Lascaux (Xavier Vilató's wife). Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn
  • Restaurant "Chez Félix". On the occasion of Picasso's 75th birthday 25.10. S. Sapone, wife of Michele Sapone, Picasso, Hélène Parmelin, Michele Sapone, Germaine Lascaux (Xavier Vilató's wife). Cannes 1956. - Photo by Edward Quinn